Mushroom Museum
Mushroom Museum or BIOTEC Bangkok Herbarium (BBH) has a long history from 1996 to the present. which at that time used the abbreviation for fungal sampling sites, NBCRC, with
Dr. Nigel Highell-Jones was the founder of the Laboratory of Rabiology at the time.
year 1996 - 2002
From 1996, the laboratory of radiology was established. Renowned researcher The world has come together to create research in various fields. In particular, Dr. Nigel Hywel-Jones has devoted his heart and soul to the founding of a research group on fungi in insects. starting from being an entomologist Study of insect populations Become a taxonomist on fungi causing disease on insects. become the most diverse group in the world All dried samples of this research were collected at the Mushroom Museum. The first sample code that has been deposited is NHJ00632. Aschersonia cf. paraphysata samples collected from Khao Yai National Park, February 2, 1994 It is one of the samples with +10,000 samples.
The large fungi samples, or Marco fungi, were led by Professor Emeritus Robert Bandoni and Professor Emeritus Timothy William Flegel. Samples were collected from the second survey of Thailand. with international experts participating in the fair in 1996 The first example deposited was RJB7753. Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pers. (1822) August 10, 1986, classified by Julieta Carranza. There are approximately 2500 specimens of this large group of fungi.

Important events during the period 1986 - 2002
2002 - 2007

In 2002, BIOTEC and the BRT project or Biodiversity Research and Technology Program approved the investment in building a herbarium storage room or a fungal museum at the Storage Building to be a place where Suitable for storing standardized samples The renovation of the building, worth 2.5 million baht, is to improve the structure, floor, wall, ceiling by creating a room for temperature and humidity control. Isowall panell and has a steel rail cabinet to store the samples. The exterior consists of the museum's laboratory, while the BRT project provides a budget for managing 25,000 dry samples as of that date, with a subsidy of 500,000 baht per year for a period of two years between 2002 and 2004 by the operation of the museum laboratory. The fungus has officially opened for operations. Since then, with the curator, Ms. Thitiya Boonpratuang, conducting all activities.

2007 - 2011
Because the Mushroom Museum It is a place to collect valuable samples of Thailand. Preserve reference samples as evidence of Thailand's discovery. that cannot be increased as well as microorganisms Therefore, the management Measures need to be put in place to maintain the quality of such samples as long as possible. Like many examples Museums around the world, such as the Pharoh Herbarium, live up to 100 years and are still in very good condition. The quality of the samples is good or not depends on the storage standards, which BBH has studied the Herbarium Handbook and used it as the main work. By applying to improve the method to be suitable for countries with high humidity. like Thailand and has said that work should not be known only in small groups but must be understood and seen the importance from people of all levels Therefore, he volunteered to make the ISO9001 system standard for the reason of maintaining the quality of the samples. Maintain management system and maintain service The analysis revealed that the scope of importation of two standard control systems are 1. Sample deposition and quality inspection system 2. Sample lending and return system. Which has been improved continuously until the present (2521)

1996 - 1997
from that The International Botanical Code has stipulated that The deposit of specimens at any location is "accepted" or "internationally registered", leading researchers prior to 1996 to submit specimens for collection at reputable museums in Europe or the Americas. To prevent expected damage to samples collected from Thailand Popular museums such as Royal Botanic Gardens - Kew , IMI , New York Botanical Gardens etc.
Under the international treaty on biodiversity, or Convention on Biodiversity, CBD ( Rio, Earth Summit ) at the meeting expressed concerns about mobility. "Biomaterials" that are very diverse in tropical countries to countries with stronger research, such as Europe or America. Not only fungi. But plants are another biomaterial. Also identified as a concern for CBD, much of the research to take biomaterial out of the country requires commercialization. but claiming to be part of academic research in museums abroad only It was for this reason that the idea of conducting temporary sampling activities at BIOTEC on behalf of the NBCRC herbarium was born since 1996.

1996 was the first year that the mushroom museum was seriously operated. As the work of the laboratory of radiology continues to expand to the extent that the number of samples stored at the NBCRC herbarium increases annually to at least 1,000 samples a year, it is necessary to find a way to manage it effectively.
Dr. Timothee assigned Ms. Thitiya Boonpratuang to collect the work to find a way to manage such samples, which were not less than 15,000 samples at that time. and set the name is BIOTEC Bangkok Herbarium, abbreviated as BBH, has a serious approach to develop into a fungal museum in the future.
Since then, there has been a turnover of both young researchers and taxonomic experts. Join the researchers in the Laboratory of Medicine. Study a number of fungi in Thailand including Tony Whalley, RJ Bandoni, EB Gareth Jones, Egon Horak, Don Pfister, Gary Samuels, Julietta Carrenza, Dennis E. Desjardin, Martina Reblova, Sabine Huhndorf, Kevin Hyde, Rob Samson, Trond Schumacher. , etc. during the year 1997 BIOTEC and British Mycological Society has supported the management of the survey "tropical mold", which was found
Many experts are interested in participating in this survey. Traveling from many countries around the world has resulted in a large number of dry samples collected from studies and deposited at BIOTEC.
The main sample deposited in the BBH comes from the following code. NHJ (Nigel Hywel-Jones) , RJB (Robert Bandoni), TWF (Timothy Flege) , TBP & TB (Thitiya Boonpratuang) , DED ( Dennis Desjardin) , Gary Samuels , Julietta Carenza, Vincent Robert, Cony de Cock, SS ( Somsak Sivichai) , SFC ( Sayanh Somrithipol) , Kanoksri Tasanatai (KT) , Suchada Mongkonsumrit (SM), Rattaket Choeyklin (TH, THP, RCK), VS ( Veera Sri-Indrasutdhi) , and AW (Apinya Wongkaeo). including a group of Pathogenic fungi in insects, Hypocreales, Discomycetes, large fungi, freshwater and marine fungi, pathogenic fungi in plants, etc.
1997 - 1999
Based on these concerns, BIOTEC encouraged the implementation of a dry sample management activity under the name BBH. with the International Legal Department or the Patent Legal Department educate researchers who study biodiversity Consider depositing samples in Thailand for
avoid bringing "Biomaterials belonging to Thailand" out of the country, but research studies in that era Avoid bringing materials out of the country. not for in-depth study
Therefore, BIOTEC is trying to create a contract document. "On the movement of biological materials or Material Transfer Agreement, abbreviated MTA, with the primary objective of determining ownership. defining the scope of study Notification of the results of the study to the owner of the resource and sharing of benefits
Instead, it is a reference example of the germ that has been used and provides traceable evidence.
1999 - 2002
so that Mushroom Museum To be recognized internationally, it is necessary to have a suitable storage facility for both Voucher and Specimen specimens and to be Index Herbariorum registered with the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), USA. It was set up as BIOTEC Bangkok Herbarium, abbreviated as BBH, and registered with the International Museum System. The name has the word "Bangkok" because the location on that day was at BIOTEC's Yothi Building, Bangkok. The word "Herbarium" at that time meant Dry samples of plants, fungi and animals use the same term, although at that date BBH did not have any samples. Plants and animals collect, but because the technical terms use the same words. It became part of the museum's name until today. In 2002, BBH was officially established. Approved for investment in construction, so the office was relocated from Yothi Building, Bangkok to Thailand Science Park, Pathum Thani Province. which just opened in that year
Pictured at the Mushroom Museum during 1996 - 2002.

ในช่วงเวลานั้นตัวอย่างแห้งเห็ด นำมาจัดทำตัวอย่างแห้งและเก็บลงแฟ้มกระดาษ เช่นเดียวกับการเก็บตัวอย่างแห้งพืช

ตัวอย่างของซองใส่ตัวอย่างที่ยังไม่ได้จัดเรียงลงแฟ้มตามลำดับของสกุล และ Family

การเรียงตัวอย่างในแฟ้มเป็นการเรียงซองเก็บตัวอย่างตามสกุล และ ชนิด ติดบนกระดาษแข็งและสอดเข้าแฟ้ม ซึ่งแฟ้มมักจะเป็น 1 สกุลเท่านั้น

หากตัวอย่างนั้นต่างชนิด หรือ ชนิดเดียวกัน การเรียงตัวอย่างจะสับหว่าง ทำให้เฉลี่ยนำหนักแฟ้ม หรือ ขนาดความหนาของตัวอย่างในแฟ้ม


ภายในซองตัวอย่าง จะมีกระดาษจนรายละเอียดตัวอย่าง ในภาคสนามและตัวอย่างถูกนำมาบรรจุถุงพลาสติกและผนึกไม ่ให้อากาศเข้า

ตัวอย่างและรายละเอียดที่บันทึกในภาคสนาม ได้รับการบรรจุถุงไปพร้อมกัน เพื่อให้ไม่สูญ หาย และเสื่อมสลายตามเวลาที่ผ่านไป

อาจต้องหาภาชนะที่เหมาะสมในการบรรจุตัวอย่างขนาดใหญ่ ตัวอย่าง
Moment milestones 2002 - 2011
Pictured at the Mushroom Museum in 2002. - 2011

อาคาร Storage ที่ได้รับการปรับปรุงใหม่ เพื่อจัดเก็บ Herbarium specimen ที่เพิ่มขึ้นปีละ 2000-3000 ตัวอย่าง



แล้วเรียงลำดับก่ อนจัดเก็บ ติดสีเพื่อแสดงความแตกต่างก่อนย้าย


1994 - 1996
Later, Dr. Nigel Highell-Jones and the research team "Insect-pathogenic fungi" has been transferred from the National Biological Control Research Center to BIOTEC. in the year 2537 and has Established "Ralogy Laboratory" or Mycology Laboratory in August 1996. At the same time, the research group on biodiversity "Big Fungus" led a study group led by Professor Emeritus Robert J. Bendoni and Professor Emeritus Timothy William Flegel were also joined by the Laboratory of Medicine at the same time.
1986 - 1994
The study of natural fungi in Thailand's forests has increased steadily over the past 10-12 years. During that time, Thailand's insecticidal mold biodiversity experts Has started research since 1989 at the National Biological Control Research Center or the National Biological Control Research Center. At that time, Dr. Banphot Na Pomphet
under Kasetsart University, Bangkok. During that time, all data was also used in the form of database storage. Borland's Paradox
In addition to the research group, the diversity of fungi causing disease in insects. Research on the diversity of large fungi began during the same period. with experts led by Professor Emeritus Robert J. Bendoni and Professor Emeritus Timothy William Flegel, who at the time worked as full-time teachers. Faculty of Science Mahidol University Worked with Professor Morakot Tanticharoen, Director. National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, or to National Center, the Engineering For the Genetic And the Biotechnology ( of BIOTEC). Therefore began to open taxonomic research and sample management system since 1986 at BIOTEC.
Moment milestones 2011 - 2019
2011 - 2012
Due to the influence of unforeseen events, Bangkok and its vicinities had a flood disaster in 2011, which affected the museum to think about the preparation of an emergency response plan according to the NSTDA's BSC Plan, which must be considered. All new packaging which was originally paper. when the movement occurs There is no stability, causing it to fall or damage, so it has to be replaced with a more stable container and to prevent damage that may occur to the sample, falling and hitting it, consider changing it to a plastic box with a locking lid attached to the box. If moving or moving to escape any disaster It will be more convenient to practice, for example, in the event of a great flood in 2011, which has not changed the packing container. Used as paper boxes and paper envelopes, although the advantages are light weight and easy to move. but unstable pack in a plastic bag This increases the time to improve the packaging before moving. Once moved, the overlay is unstable. cause a fall superimposed weight resulting in damage to the sample inside, etc.

2012 - 2019
Replacing the packaging with a plastic case will not only protect the inside of the sample from damage. As a result, samples can be stored in the same room from 28,000 samples to 45,000 samples. Therefore, sample arrangement must be systematic and positioned, otherwise sample acquisition will be difficult. Therefore, information tools are used in conjunction with management, such as the use of QR Codes attached to the sample boxes. and set the storage location in the big box and the shelf and the cabinet in the next order

modern times
year 2019 - present
Year 2019 July BIOTEC Bangkok Herbarium (BBH) has moved the management structure. From being affiliated under BIOTEC to the National Biobank of Thailand or NBT, which is the country's infrastructure under the supervision of National Science and Technology for Development Agency (NSTDA) currently
BBH changes the management system of mushroom specimens in museums. to be modern and convenient for customers can be more easily verifiable integrate information systems and presenting a new ISO 9001 document in 2021, including the adoption of the ISO 45001 system in the occupational health management system. Risk Analysis and Operational Safety including allowing related persons such as curators, managers and assistant managers to attend the training in all relevant courses
BBH's current operations are divided into two main divisions, Herbarium and Fungarium. It was brought within the Fungarium system to align with the International Mycological Congress San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2016. BBH's future goals are to enter the ISO Biobanking 20387 and Knowledge Management Platform, which is currently being prepared.