Acervus globulos Ekanayaka, Q. Zhao & K.D. Hyde 2016
Specimen ID
Collected date
30 กรกฎาคม 2561 เวลา 17:00:00
Collected by
Thitiya Boonpratuang, Maneerat Pobkwamsuk, Siriwan Na Bangchang, Natthawut Wiriyathanawudhiwong and Nattawut Boonyuen.
Identified by
Thitiya Boonpratuang
Collected Site
RSPG Protected Montain Forest in Chiang ai Zoo.
Habit, habitat, substrate
Solitary habit and growing on unidentified twig (lignicolous habitat).
Macroscopic Description
Ascocarps: disc shape with umbicular or deeply lobe, or bowl shape, mostly circular to ovoid shapes from top view, umbicular, uncurved margin, smooth, straight margin, yellow to orange (oac810-811) color, exterior bright yellow (oac004)
Microscopic Description
Ascospores 7 – 9 × 4 – 5 µm, ellipsoid to elongate, ornamentation with aculeate, thick-welled, hyaline, inamyloid. Ascus 75 – 80 × 6 – 8 µm, 8 ascospores per ascus, cylindrical, long, smooth, thick-walled, hyaline and inamyloid. Paraphyses 75 – 110 × 4 – 5 µm, cylindrical, sometime forked, septate, thick-walled, smooth, hyaline and inamyloid. Ascocarps hymenieal layers; top layer present with cutis of repent hyphae 9 – 12 µm diam., parallel, septate, hairs presented 10 – 14 × 92 – 100 µm, thin-walled, cylindrical to pyriform, smooth, hyaline and inamyloid. Chemical reaction colorless in 3% KOH. Clamp connection absents in all hyphae.

Acervus globulos Ekanayaka, Q. Zhao & K.D. Hyde 2016

Acervus globulos Ekanayaka, Q. Zhao & K.D. Hyde 2016