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NBT joins forces to connect knowledge to the OER repository of open educational resources.

The National Biobank of Thailand (NBT) produces easy-to-understand media for studying past research. The objective is to ensure that the general public has an accurate understanding of Thailand's biological resources, that they feel valued and appreciated, and that they contribute to their conservation. In honor of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on the occasion of her 5th Cycle Birthday Anniversary on April 2, 2015, the online communication system for distance learning projects has been linked to media operations. Moreover, this action is regarded as one of the projects in response to the royal initiative, specifically the plant genetic conservation project under the Royal Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, or RSPG Project. These knowledge resources are classified as F3A8: framework of RSPG project structure for raising awareness: resource conservation-supporting activities.


Taxonomy is an important work and the foundation of all research fields, particularly the extension of utilization. If the taxonomic task is unclear, subsequent research is also unclear and therefore cannot be published. Identification, classification, and naming are all crucial components of taxonomic work. Numerous techniques, including genomic analysis, the use of short-read rDNA to construct a phylogenetic tree, and Mass Peptide Fingerprint (MPF) analysis, are utilized to achieve analytical results for the purpose of naming bioresources. Such techniques have become useful, but they are still inferior to the primary taxonomic tools for the macrofungi group, which are macroscopic and microscopic deep morphology characteristics. The morphology is even within the group of microfungi, so they are still significant.

Learning Materials

The National Biobank of Thailand (NBT) has compiled the primary details and sub-details regarding taxonomic work. The field survey method, how to describe the specimen from the field, the field photographing method, scientific imaging (Scientific Plate), the method of studying under the camera lucida, or drawing under the camera, is referred to as "scientific illustration." In addition to the fundamental study methods, there are important aspects of other studies, such as the discovery of important substances, active substances, both newly discovered and previously discovered substances, etc. There is also a body of knowledge on biodiversity, ecology, and population distribution in each important area that partners propose to use in conservation research, such as Community Forest in Amnat Charoen Province and Satun Global Geopark in Satun Province, etc.

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